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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Multi-PickButton MaxScript Code

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--This code will demo how to use my multi-pick-button.
--Works like normal pick button, but allows you to select multiple objects.
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rollout MainRollout "Multi-PickButton Demo"(
local RV_ArrayNodes = #(); --Array of nodes selected by button ArrayPick

button ArrayPick "Select Objects, THEN click me.";

--The list box displays what you currently have selected by the ArrayPick button.
listbox LB01 "Influencing Objs"
height:5; --5 lines tall.
ReadOnly:True; --Read Only List.

on ArrayPick Pressed do(
if selection.count == 0 then(
ArrayPick.Caption = "LIST EMPTY";
ArrayPick.Caption = "List Unchanged";
MSTAT = #no; --Do not append;
if (LB01.items.count > 0)then(
mstatText = "";
mstatText = mstatText + "[YES]: Append to previous selection." + "\n";
mstatText = mstatText + "[NO]: Replace old selection." + "\n";
mstatText = mstatText + "[CANCEL]: Don't do anything." + "\n";
MSTAT = yesNoCancelBox mstatText \
title:"Append or Replace?" beep:False;

if (MSTAT!=#cancel)then(
nodeNameArray = #();

--If #no: Create New Selection.
RV_ArrayNodes = #();
for i = 1 to selection.count do(
nodeNameArray[i] = selection[i].name;
RV_ArrayNodes[i] = selection[i];
ArrayPick.Caption = "List Populated";
LB01.items = nodeNameArray;
print("Rv array nodes===" + RV_ArrayNodes as string);

--If #yes: Append to Original selection.
nodeNameArray = LB01.items;
for i = 1 to selection.count do(
APN = appendIfUnique RV_ArrayNodes selection[i];
if(APN)then(append nodeNameArray selection[i].name);
ArrayPick.Caption = "List Appended To";
LB01.items = nodeNameArray;
print("Rv array nodes===" + RV_ArrayNodes as string);

)--[ArrayPick Pressed]
)--[End Rollout]
CreateDialog MainRollout;
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