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Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Account number confirmation does not match.

Lending Club Telling Me: Account number confirmation does not match. When they are identical. 1 strike for lending club. Go onto Possibly because I got account today. But then I should get an error that is either ambiguous or correct. Not false.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

TSQL Can be done on stack overflow? This will make learning T-SQL easier.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Having trouble invoking static methods in

Static Methods. AKA: "shared" in termonology.
Here is the paste bin:

Update: I was being stupid. The static methods were throwing an error because I was writing the statements within the class, but NOT within a function.
Fix here:

CodeEval VB.Net Sample Code Bug Fix

On Compiler error around this location, the compiler hasn't implemented the error message, nor error recovery, so the compiler will probably crash soon.
The sample code for VB.NET has a typo in it.
GetCommandLneArgs should be: 
Module Challenge
    Sub Main()
        Dim test As String
        Using fileStream As New System.IO.StreamReader(System.Environment.GetCommandLneArgs()(1))
            Do Until fileStream.EndOfStream
                test = fileStream.ReadLine
               'test' represents the test case, do something with it
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Entity Data Model Wizard Shortcut

Can't seem to find the shortcut mapping command for: "Entity Data Model Wizard" within visual studio. I wish there was some type of "Echo all commands" in visual studio like there is in 3DSMax. Then I could see what commands were issued to open what windows. Tried getting the actual class of the window using Auto Hot Key. While it gave me some information, none of it that I could use to identify the window I want. Sucks because I know I should be able to wire this window to a hotkey. Once that window is already open though, you have a lot of shortcut options.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Get Class Of Active Window AHK

So, I was reading all through the documentation looking for a:
Since there is a WinGetTitle
And a WinGetClass

Turns out:
WinGetClass's behavior IS to get the class of the active window.

This sample code will display the class name of the active window
when you press the enter key:

 ;theClass = class of active window.
 WinGetClass, theClass, A
 msgBox %theClass%

Friday, March 25, 2016

Mixin is not Composition.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Close Properties Panel Shortcut Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the properties panel in visual studio. But there is not a paired shortcut to CLOSE IT! This is really annoying. I have shortcuts to open all of the panels I use in visual studio. But I can't use any shortcuts to close them. I get that, with a mouse, the opening is much slower than the closing... But it would be nice if we could at the very least, close the ACTIVE PANEL with a shortcut. NOT close the active document. I see the shortcuts for that. I can close all documents. I just can't close the explorer, toolbox, and properties panels with a shortcut. Really annoyed.

Close Solution Explorer Shortcut Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the solution explorer. But there is no shortcut for closing it. Very annoying for someone trying to set up hotkeys!

Close ToolBox Visual Studio

There is a shortcut for opening the toolbox, but not for closing it, what gives?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Stood Vector

Stood Vector: How I heard someone pronounce std::vector on the internet. Figured one day someone might hear it, not know what was meant, and try to google it. Now there will be relevant google results.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Delete Character

Having Delete Be FF or 7F is pretty neat. Origins in punch cards where you could punch out all the bits on a given line to delete/ignore that line if it was a mistake.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Enforce classes have same static method c++

All my classes must have a method called unitTest in DEBUG mode. This is because I don't want my test code in a separate library.

Separation of concerns is nice and all. But I think that separation also makes it more likely that your test library code will decay.

This might be what I need:

Basically, extend from a header-only class that defines no implementation. And have the function within that class be templated.

Something like:

template< typename T>
    static double foo( vector arr );

In the header, without any implementation.

Can you extend from a class with no implementation? I bet you can. Need to look into that.

Maybe I need a "pure virtual function"?

But that specifies type... Do I need a "pure virtual template function"? That sounds fancy and over complicated.

Yes, you can.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ownership of pointers in c++ and borrow boxes

Trying to wrap my head around ownership of pointers in c++. Trying to establish rules to make good software. Here are some ideas. 1. Only one object has ownership of any given object. 2. If an object owns another object, when delete[] is called on the parent, it should be called on the child. 3. If an object does NOT own another object, when we delete[] the parent, the other object referenced from within the parent should not be deleted. 4. Any object should either OWN every object it references, or NOT-OWN every object it references. This is to simplify it. So we know exactly what needs to be done to children when delete[] is called. 5. Don't give out references to stuff you don't own. If a class does NOT own the object, it should not be allowed to give out a reference to it. The object that wants the reference should go to the source. ANALOGY: I can't give library book to stranger. The stranger needs to go to the library to get the book I have. Not the best analogy. Since the book they get from the library would also be the book I have. Because we are talking about reference types, not value types. 6. What about classes that absolutely must own some things, but not others? Classes that need mixed ownership must have a "borrow box" or "sandbox" or whatever you want to call it. It is an object OWNED by the parent, so it can be deleted by the parent when the parent is deleted. HOWEVER, the "borrow box" container never owns anything inside it. So when it is destroyed, none of it's contents are deleted. Again, with the rule of not giving out things you don't own... Borrow boxes should never be passed around. A borrow box should not simply be a wrapper you wrap individual objects in. So that you can pass the wrapper around. That wouldn't solve the problem. It would just add another step. The borrow boxes should be taylored to each and every individual class that needs one. No other classes should know about the borrow boxes. So why even have them then? Is it simply a formality that makes the code easier to read? Is it simply a way to avoid individually flagging ownership? It seems like a good idea. But I need more time to think about it. Is it worth the extra -> jump every time you need to reference it?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Overload = operator c++

I thought I had it... Now all the sudden I am getting the error: error: conversion from 'uint32_t {aka unsigned int}' to non-scalar type 'deathNote' requested... what did mess up??? Solution here: Though I noticed I am having trouble using it with initialization and assignment all in the same line.

Are structs initialized to zero?

Research says that you shouldn't rely on this. Best to include a parameter-less constructor that zeros out all of the member values. The only downside being that it's not longer a POD type by C standards.

object lifetime of structs c++

I know when you want to return a class instance from a function you need to use the new keyword and assign it to a pointer. Is it the same rule for structs? I want my structs on the stack, not the heap. So I'd like to not mess with pointers. But I am afraid doing:
myStruct getStruct(){
  myStruct val;
  return val;
Will the instance of myStruct be killed immediately after leaving the function scope? Turns out, this works with structs. Pretty sure it would not work if it were a class. Also strange is that it seems like... All the members of a struct are initialized? Rather than having whatever random data was there before hand? Or maybe I am just lucky... Might want to explicitly init values by specifying a constructor.

+= operator overloading a struct

Overloading the shorthand addition operator (+=) in c++: Note, this is operator overloading the += operator for a STRUCT. called "deathNote". I follow the constant-class rule for classes. But use lowercase for structs because structs are value-types / primitives. So they should be treated like "int", "float", "char", "string", etc. Which all start with lowercase letters.
deathNote operator_-(const deathNote &a){
    this->apples = a.apples + this->apples;
    this->chocolate = a.chocolate + this->chocolate;
    this->paper = a.paper + this->paper;
    return (*this);

operator+ must take zero or one argument

struct deathNote{

uint32_t apples;
uint32_t chocolate;
uint32_t pages;

deathNote operator+(const deathNote &a, const deathNote &b){
   deathNote ret_val;
   ret_val.apples = a.apples + b.apples;
   ret_val.chocolate = a.chocolate + b.chocolate;
   ret_val.pages = a.pages + b.pages;
   return ret_val;


//ERROR: operator+ must take zero or one argument.
//The fix? One parameter is implied via the "this" pointer.

deathNote operator+(const deathNote &a){
   deathNote ret_val;
   ret_val.apples = a.apples +  this -> apples;
   ret_val.chocolate = a.chocolate +   this -> chocolate;
   ret_val.pages = a.pages +   this -> pages;
   return ret_val;

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Use structs when 16 bytes or under

✓ CONSIDER defining a struct instead of a class if instances of the type are small and commonly short-lived or are commonly embedded in other objects.
X AVOID defining a struct unless the type has all of the following characteristics:
  • It logically represents a single value, similar to primitive types (int, double, etc.).
  • It has an instance size under 16 bytes.
  • It is immutable.
  • It will not have to be boxed frequently.
I think I'll name my structs with lowercase letters.
Constant class... But things like "float", "unit" and other built-in  primitive value types
have lowercase letters. So I'll name my structs with lowercase letters.

How much is 16 byes?
ARGB pixel = 32bits. Each channel is 8Bits. AKA: 32 bit color is 4Byte color.
How many pixels in 16 bytes?
Four. (4+4+4+4 == 16)
So, think of a struct as 4 pixels worth of data or less.

Invalid use of destructor foo as type

Bad Code:


Good Code:


Friday, February 12, 2016

Also useful for memory leak detection in C++

Though mentions having to "redefine" the "new" keyword if using
c++'s new keyword to construct new instances of objects.

Com Vs Crt Leaks

Not sure what this means. But this memory leak detector library for debug builds looks useful.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Memory Leak Detection, pooling out of scope.

Decided that in my memory leak detection code, I should not try to support
LIVE and IDLE object pools for every single class.
That link together the instances using a linked-list base class.

1. Could get very complicated very quickly.
2. With inheritence, does the base class, or the superclass get to own the object
and have it within it's static linked list?
3. OUT OF SCOPE. This is memory management. We only want to do memory leak detection.

New approach:
All objects inherit from a linked list base class.
There is a MASTER two-way linked list in the C++ project when in debug mode.
If an object from my project exists, it is part of this linked list.

(Only if they are classes, structs do not follow this rule)

1. Using object_ids and parent_ids to confirm object has only one owner.
2. Using MyClass::kill( *instance) methods to manage deletion
3. Using kill_hash checksums to confirm the objects you think were destroyed were destroyed.
4. Using one master linked-list so we can check for orphaned pointers.

I say we have pretty good measures to prevent memory leaks.
Just need to make sure that, when memory leaks are found, we can control the situation.

AKA: I'd rather not find my memory leak by accessing a null pointer.
I'd like to find it by having my memory leak detection code find out about it's existence
in a less hazardous way.

Mem Leak detection Part 2

uint MyClass::deleteInstance(MyClass* c){

    uint deletion_confirmation_hash = 0;
    //Does object OWN it's pointers?
        if(owns != 3){ throw("we may own more or less pointers than this.")}
        uint num1 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr01); // 1 //
        uint num2 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr02); // 2 //
        uint num3 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr03); // 3 //
    deletion_confirmation_hash += c.getObjectID();
    delete c;
    return (deletion_confirmation_hash);

Homebrew memory leak detection.

Having some type of memory leak detection that is only compiled in debug mode I think is a good idea.

NOT memory management. Because that would have to exist in both debug and release.
And memory managers would defeat the purpose of using a high-performance language like C++.

//For a class that has 3 pointers under it's ownership.
//Here is how we could delete it, and get a basic order-independent
//(combination based) hash to confirm the objects we think were deleted
//are deleted.
static uint32_t MyClass::deleteInstance(MyClass* c){

    uint num1 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr01);
    uint num2 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr02);
    uint num3 = OtherClass::deleteInstance(c->ptr03);
    uint finalNum = c.getObjectID();
    delete c;
    return (num1+num2+num3+finalNum);

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Forward Declarations may be needed.

Remembering how to remember friend class C++

  • Friendships are not symmetric – If class A is a friend of class B, class B is not automatically a friend of class A.
    "I thought you were my friend, but the feelings were not mutual."
  • Friendships are not transitive – If class A is a friend of class B, and class B is a friend of class C, class A is not automatically a friend of class C.
    "Just because he is your friend doesn't make him my friend."
  • Friendships are not inherited – A friend of class Base is not automatically a friend of class Derived and vice versa; equally if Base is a friend of another class, Derived is not automatically a friend and vice versa.
    "You've changed. You are not the person I used to know. I don't like you anymore."


Monday, January 11, 2016

Trying SFGUI with pre-built library.

//  /Compiler settings\_______________                                         |
//  /#defines\________________________                                         |
//  SFGUI_STATIC                                                               |
//                                                                             |
//  /Linker settings\_________________                                         |
//  /Link libraries\__________________                                         |
//  libsfgui-s.a                                                               |
//                                                                             -
//  /Search directories\______________
//  /Compiler\________________________
//                                                                             -
//  /Search directories\______________                                         |
//  /Linker\__________________________                                         |

//You must also specify these settings since SFGUI is built on top of SFML:
//  /Compiler settings\_______________                                         |
//  /#defines\________________________                                         |
//  GLEW_STATIC                                                                |
//  SFML_STATIC                                                                |
//  UNICODE                                                                    |
//                                                                             |
//  /Linker settings\_________________                                         |
//  /Link libraries\__________________                                         |
//  sfml-graphics-s                                                            |
//  sfml-window-s                                                              |
//  sfml-network-s                                                             |
//  sfml-system-s                                                              |
//  winmm                                                                      |
//  freetype                                                                   |
//  ws2_32                                                                     |
//  gdi32                                                                      |
//  opengl32                                                                   |
//  jpeg                                                                       |
//                                                                             |
//  /Search directories\______________                                         |
//  /Compiler\________________________                                         |
//  SFML-2.3.2\GCC_TDM_SJLJ_32BIT\include                                      |
//                                                                             |
//  /Search directories\______________                                         |
//  /Linker\__________________________                                         |
//  SFML-2.3.2\GCC_TDM_SJLJ_32BIT\lib                                          |

||=== Build: Release in SFGUI_TRY01 (compiler: GNU GCC With MinGW-w64 Debugger JMIM) ===|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Adjustment.hpp|19|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Adjustment::~Adjustment()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Object.hpp|23|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Object::~Object() noexcept (true)'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Widget.hpp|43|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Widget::~Widget()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Object.hpp|23|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Object::~Object() noexcept (true)'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Alignment.hpp|12|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Alignment::~Alignment()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Misc.hpp|16|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Misc::~Misc() noexcept (true)'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Frame.hpp|13|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Frame::~Frame()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Misc.hpp|16|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Misc::~Misc() noexcept (true)'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Image.hpp|13|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Image::~Image()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Misc.hpp|16|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Misc::~Misc() noexcept (true)'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Label.hpp|13|error: looser throw specifier for 'virtual sfg::Label::~Label()'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\include\SFGUI\Misc.hpp|16|error:   overriding 'virtual sfg::Misc::~Misc() noexcept (true)'|
||=== Build failed: 12 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s)) ===|

Fix: Switch to compiler version 4.8.1
The compiler that comes with code::blocks has some type of error in it. See picture above.

And.... Back to the undefined reference errors I had in last post
when I tried to build SFGUI myself with cmake.
Actually, the cmake went alright after some troubleshooting.
But couldn't fix the errors when I ran mingw-make on the files
generated by cmake.

||=== Build: Release in SFGUI_TRY01 (compiler: GNU GCC With MinGW-w64 Debugger JMIM) ===|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(SFGUI.cpp.obj):SFGUI.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(SFGUI.cpp.obj):SFGUI.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(SFGUI.cpp.obj):SFGUI.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(Context.cpp.obj):Context.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5ColorC1Ehhhh'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5WhiteE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5BlackE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5WhiteE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5BlackE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5WhiteE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf5Color5WhiteE'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| more undefined references to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume' follow|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp|| undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'|
C:\DEV\SDK\GAME_DEV\SFGUI\OFFICIAL_COMPILATIONS\TDM\SFGUI-TDM481x32\lib\libsfgui-s.a(BREW.cpp.obj):BREW.cpp:(.text$_ZN3sfg6Engine11SetPropertyIN2sf5ColorEEEbRKSsS5_RKT_[__ZN3sfg6Engine11SetPropertyIN2sf5ColorEEEbRKSsS5_RKT_]+0x24)||undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'|
||More errors follow but not being shown.|
||Edit the max errors limit in compiler options...|
||=== Build failed: 50 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 5 second(s)) ===|

I really don't want to have "not made here" syndrome.
But it might be best to code my own UI on top of SFML...
Since I can get SFML working...

Have the UI run on a different EXE file?

By putting the exe for the UI in another program that communicates with game, you
would not have to worry about different error handling systems being used for the
UI vs the rendering.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


So far, I've never been able to successfully use CMAKE.
I tried it with SFML and now SFGUI.
And I put in a lot of time trying to get it to work.

Feels kind of hackish to depend on pre-built builds of these libraries if that isn't the way it is
supposed to be done.

But, here are builds of SFGUI that I need:

SFGUI CMAKE trouble shoot

When using CMake, remove C:\DEV\PROG\Git\bin from path variable.
Because it contains sh.exe, and it messes up setup.

CMake Error at cmake/Modules/FindSFML.cmake:306 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:21 (find_package)

SOLUTION TO TRY: Environment variable setting:
//Maybe GRAPHICS,WINDOW,SYSTEM are relative paths to SFML_ROOT?

We are getting closer. Looks like freetype dependency is missing... I never recall having to setup freetype
when getting SFML to work. However, I did specify it in the build options for SFML and it just...
Magically worked.
Here is screen shot of my SFML linker settings. Notice the freetype.

Found freetype in SFML source folder here:

But... These are .lib files,  not .a files... I am worried.
.lib == windows
.a   == linux
From my understanding.Well, give it a shot.

CLOSER! But for some reason:
Are missing?? When I already set the environment variables for those.
And I can successfully echo it in the command prompt via:
This post:
Makes mention of the "advanced" tab. For some reason the flags I specified on command line were not picked up by CMAKE.

 Not sure what to do about the DEBUG libraries, since I don't have them. But hopefully I can omit them and be alright.
After hitting "GENERATE". I get lots of errors like this:
I think maybe I need to point to the sub-folder that contains the .h and .cpp files.
to reflect this.
Actually.. Think those vars are good. Need to research the error:
"Targets may link only to libraries."

  Ah... Instead of using the SOURCE files... I need to use the compiled source.
I have a folder of offical cmake builds of SFML that I can reference for that:

Wonder if there is any chance that the freetype.a file exists in same folder.
Because the freetype.lib file scares me.
YES! It is here... Probably should change freetype to this path:
Also.. The .jpeg library was pointing to a .dll file in my JAVA installation folder... Yeah... That sounds
sketchy too. Fixed that as well. Here is the screen shot of the fix:

Okay... Configure and Generate...

Wow. Everything worked. At it did it all in a second.
I thought fancy progress bar stuff was going to happen...
Now what??

Time to reference more of the documentation:

I am guessing since I have MinGw path in my environment variables...
CDing into my jmBuild directory and running mingw-make should be enough.

Looks like the end result failed on me however.
Maybe I need to un-reference anything from the SFML sources and
be referencing the build of SFML in my configurations?

Wait... Am I using the correct gcc compiler version?
The version in the code blocks executable directory would be the wrong version.
Code blocks uses 4.7.1 which is not compatible with SFGUI.
I downloaded 4.8.1 of MinGw / gcc from source forge... Check my variables...

Taking guess... CMAKE build type filled in to be == "RELEASE"

error: '_hypot' was not declared in this scope

Getting an error about _hypot not declared in this scope...
Seems to be a GCC bug.
This is a GCC issues with no apparent workaround on GLM side. Use -D__NO_INLINE__ or edit math.h as a workaround. Closing.

Found location of Math.h:

Looks like it also requires editing of file "cmath" within the same folder.

9Months ago on stack overflow:
To avoid any further speculation, and downright bad suggestions such as using #if 0, let me give an authoritative answer, from the perspective of a MinGW project contributor.
Yes, the implementation of include/math.h does have a bug in its inline implementation of hypotf (float, float); the bug is triggered when compiling C++, with the affected header included (as it is when cmath is included), and any compiler option which causes __STRICT_ANSI__ to become defined is specified, (as is the case for those -std=c... options noted by the OP). The appropriate solution is not to occlude part of the math.h file, with #if 0 or otherwise, but to correct the broken inline implementation of hypotf (float, float); simply removing the spurious leading underscore from the inline reference to _hypot (float, float), where its return value is cast to the float return type should suffice.
Alternatively, substituting an equivalent -std=gnu... for -std=c... in the compiler options should circumvent the bug, and may offer a suitable workaround.
FWIW, I'm not entirely happy with's current implementation of hypotl (long double, long double) either; correcting both issues is on my punch list for the next release of the MinGW runtime, but ATM, I have little time to devote to preparing this.

Wait... Looks like I am looking at the wrong files:
Need to be looking at:

See the spurious underscore that the MinGW contributor was speaking of? Remove it.

Here is my solution in Math.h
/*  */
//BUGFIX: See stack overflow for hypot error.
extern double __cdecl hypot (double, double); /* in libmoldname.a */
extern float __cdecl hypotf (float, float);
#ifndef __NO_INLINE__
__CRT_INLINE float __cdecl hypotf (float x, float y)
{ return (float)(hypot (x, y)); } //JMIM COMMENT: Fixing bug in MINGW.
extern long double __cdecl hypotl (long double, long double);

Now trying to build SFGUI again... Getting these errors:
undefined reference to:

 I guess the different libraries were compiled using different types of exception handling.
And this has lead to incompatibilities.

 Taking a guess:

Added -lstdc++ to compiler flags... Maybe this will help??
NOPE! Gets to 60 something percent and goes BOOM! On me with lots of errors like last time.

Above screen shot of my second attempt. Think I was just adding the flag wrong!

Weird... Seems to be starting me off from where I left-off...
Rather than starting at zero percent:

It is 9:22PM on Sunday... Might want to pack up soon...

Note: it is "mingw32-make" not "mingw-make" on the command line.
Is there are mingw64-make???
Because I am on a 64bit operating system, compiling 64 bit libraries... Wait... No... SFML is 32bit...
Is SFGUI that I am using 64bit? Could any of that be causing problems?

Still blowing up at 64%.

Trying a lot of stuff from here:
But still no luck...

More research. Seems beyond me.

I don't want to have "not made here syndrome". But at this point... Seems like making my own
simple UI library will be easier than this.
I just don't know enough to use Awesomium or SFGUI it seems.

Now 9:55PM.

SFML provides most of what I will need to make a GUI library.
GUI should probably be a distinct library from my game project.

Well, I want a flat file system... But... I will have to think about organization.


Replacing code::blocks minGW --version: 4.7.1
with version downloaded using source forge installer:

Now when running:
gcc --version
on command line, we get: 4.8.1
Good. Now we can run SFGUI library.

Think this will be better than using awesomium:
1. Want to statically link stuff. Not fan on .exe with tons of .DLL files.
2. Using less libraries == less complexities.

Downside is that I did want to leverage HTML and Javascript to make awesome uis...
But in reality, I just want something that works and looks decent.
Awesomium requires I install SDL as well. So the complexities of getting it up and running
are a bit much for me.

And the Awesomium linux make files...... Cant get working on windows.
But I am using code::blocks and minGW, so I can't use the windows installer version.

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