1. You have a bone linked to a dummy.
2. You animate the dummy.
3. You export the bone animation.
The bone animation does not seem to be in your FBX file when you test it
in your engine.
Linking moves the bone, but does not change the position controller value.
This script to switch out your regular linking with this controller.
Function ConvertLinkedChildrenToPuppets
LOBA --Linked [Child] Objects array.
--Array of objects to have their link
--Constraint converted to script controller.
SGEO --Script Controller geometry object.
--The geometry object that will house the
--SINGLE script controller responsible for
--Controlling the position of all LOBA objects.
--More Scripts at: www.ProofOfProgress.BlogSpot.com **
SCON = Scale_Script(); --Create Empty Scale Script.
--Go through geometry objects and add them to lists of exposed nodes.
--Also, add constants to the script controller that are matrices
--Of the original offset position between parent and child.
for g = 1 to LOBA.count do(
gstring = g as string;
--Add Constant
matrixName = "offsetMatrix" + gstring;
parentMatrix = LOBA[g].Parent.Transform;
childMatrix = LOBA[g].Transform;
offsetMatrix = childMatrix*Inverse(parentMatrix);
matrixValue = offsetMatrix;
SCON.AddConstant matrixName matrixValue
--Add Parent
NodeName = "ParentNo" + gstring;
theNodeObj = LOBA[g].Parent;
SCON.AddNode NodeName theNodeObj;
--Add Child
NodeName = "ChildNo" + gstring;
theNodeObj = LOBA[g];
SCON.AddNode NodeName theNodeObj;
--Un-Parent the arrangement:
LOBA[g].Parent = Undefined;
)--[Next g]
--Must add controller LAST or script code will be erased.
SGEO.Scale.Controller = SCON; --Add script controller to object.
--Create The Script:
script_code = "";
for g = 1 to LOBA.count do(
gg = g as string;
--cs = "childNo" + gg + ".Transform = offsetMatrix" + gg + "*ParentNo" + gg +".Transform;" + "\n";
cs = "childNo" + gg + ".Transform = offsetMatrix" + gg + "*ParentNo" + gg +".Transform;" + "\n";
script_code = script_code +cs;
script_code = script_code + "[1,1,1]" + "\n";
SCON.Script = script_code;
LOBA = #();
LOBA[1] = $Circle01;
LOBA[2] = $Circle02;
LOBA[3] = $Circle03;
LOBA[4] = $Circle04;
ConvertLinkedChildrenToPuppets LOBA SGEO;
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